WORLDSPAN by Travelport Quick Reference Guide


Hertz provides rates, rules, and availability displays at the moment of your request!


 Display Hertz Car Availability and Rates 
 With Flight Segment #1 CRAS1/D-30MAR/CZE
 Without Flight Segment (Intermediate car) CRA10SEP-12SEPPHX/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/VFCAR
 AAA Association Rate Display CRA20OCT-27OCTMCO/ARR-9A/DT-9A/VICAR/PA
 Display Rates for Vehicle Type Group (all SUVs) CRA12JUN-19JUNLAX/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/VASUV
 Display all Hertz Prestige Collection Vehicles CRA12JUN-19JUNLAX/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZR/VAHPC
 Display all Hertz Fun Collection Vehicles CRA8AUG-10AUGLAX/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/VZEPC
 Display all Hertz Green Collection Vehicles CRA16JUN-19JUNSAN/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/VAHGC
 Display all Hertz Contract Rates CRA30MAR-3APRMIA/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/CD-999999
 Display Rates for Hertz #1 Club Member CRA2SEP-0SEPORD/ARR-9A/DT-9A/CZE/ID-9999999
 Display One Way Rates CRA12JUN-19JUNMIA/ARR-9A/DT-9A/DO-MCO
 Rate Rules 
 Every Hertz rate has a rule. The rule information will provide the base rate, the approximate total and a breakdown of taxes and mandatory charges enabling you to quote rates accurately and with confidence. 
 Display Rate Rule from a Rate Display (Line 1) CRR1
 Modify Rate Display 
 Change Arrival/Return Dates CRA/D7JUL-10JUL
 Change Arrival Time CRA/ARR-8A
 Change Drop Off Time CRA/DT-9A
 Change Arrival Location CRA/LORD
 Change Car Type CRA/VICAR
 Change Category and Plan CRA/PAX
 Display List of Hertz Off Airport Locations  
 Display List of Hertz Off Airport Locations CRLLAX/CZE
 Display Car Quote for Specific Location from List CRA5/D12MAY-19MAY/ARR-9A/DT-9A/VICAR
 For more complete information on finding and booking Hertz Off Airport locations in Worldspan, please refer to the list of GDS Tools for a short and informative training module.  
 Hertz Sell Entries 
 Reference Sell from a Hertz Display, (line #1) CR01
 Reference Sell with Optional Fields CR01/ID-99999999/SQ-NVS
 Direct Sell with Flight Segment for #1 Club Member CRNS2/D-27APR/CZE/VICAR/DT-9A/ID-999999
 Direct Sell w/o Flight Segment requesting BEST rate CRN08AUG-16AUGPHX/CZE/VFCAR/ARR-9A/DT-9A/RC-BEST


Direct Sell and Response




 1  CCR ZE SS01 MCO 17JUL 21JUL FCAR /BS-1P/RG-USD 59.99WD UNL 59.99XD UNL 30.00XH UNL /RC-MCLE/LO16/ARR-0900/DT-0900/NM-TEST C/RI-APPROX TTL USD290.11 INC TAX-OTH CHGS/SA-MIN AGE 21 - MOST CAR CLASSES. 21-24 RATE DIFFERENTIAL APPLI/CF-D9512119395         $ZE$                                                            APPROX TTL USD290.11 INC TAX-OTH CHGS                           FOR SPECIFIC TAXES-CHARGES - SEE LOCAL POLICY                   APPROX TTL INC TAX-TRF-AP SVC CHG-VLCR                          EXTRA DAY CHARGES APPLY AFTER 2300 TUESDAY                      IMPORTANT-DIRECT RENTER TO HERTZ COURTESY BUS                   CFMD CHEVROLET IMPALA OR SIMILAR $ZE$                          


  Sell Segment Modifications (Segment #1)   
 Change Pick Up Date CR¤1/D12DEC Change Drop Off Date CR¤1/D-17DEC
 Change/Add Optional Field CR¤1/CD-99999 Change Vehicle Type CR¤1/VFCAR
 Change Drop Off Time CR¤1/DT-9P Add / SI-field CR¤1/SI-PREFERS FORD
 Delete Optional Field CR¤1/SI-  
 Optional Sell Fields     
 ID/- Hertz #1 Club Number   /ID-9999999
 /CD- Hertz Corporate Discount Number    /CD-99999
 /DO- Drop Off Location Code   /DO-LAXC16
 /PUP- Alternate Pick Up Location Code   /PUP-NYCC12
 /RC- Specific Rate Code Request   /RC-ABCD1
 /FT- Frequent Traveler Number   /FT-XX99999999
 /NM- Enter Customer Name if other than 1st name in PNR  /NM-GLEASON CAROL
 /SQ- Special Equipment (ex. child seat)   /SQ-CST
 NeverLost Navigational System   /SQ-NVS
 SIRIUS Satellite Radio    /SQ-CSR
 Hand Controls - Left Side   /SQ-HCL
 Hand Controls - Right Side   /SQ-HCR
 Skierized Vehicles   /SQ-SKV
 /SI- Supplementary Information Field   /SI-RQST FORD
 /G-CC Add Credit Card Guarantee   /G-CCAX1234567890103270 EXP10-12
 /CP-PC Add Hertz Promotional Code   /CP-PC999999
 /SI-RF Add Booking Travel Agent Information   /SI-RF-JANESMITH
 /FX-US  Add Fax Number (ex. United States)   /FX-US4052806687
 /IT Add IT Number   /ITUSA1
 /VO- Add Voucher Number  .VO-9999999
 /SI-AUTH Add Authorization Number   /SI-AUTH99999999
 /ITCV Add Convention Number   ITCV9999999
 /SI-BR- Add Billing Reference Number    /SI-BR99999999
 Car Policy Information     
 Display Hertz Location Policy    CRDLAX/CZE 
 Display Hertz Location Detail from Rate Display   CRD1 
 Display Specific Keywords in Location Policy   CRDLAX/CZE*TAX 
 For complete and up-to-date information on current leisure and travel agent promotions, please visit the travel agent section of     
 The Hertz Support Desk     
 For inquiries about Hertz bookings made via Worldspan call 1-800-654-2270.
 Queue a message to Hertz via Worldspan   QEM/ZEZ